Teacher Pre-Survey Teacher Pre-Test Teacher Post-Test |
Due by 2/28 Due by 2/28 Due by 5/6 |
https://forms.gle/Gzrv2Rd191QFahae7 |
(As Renaissance Teacher Leader you will administer Student Survey & Student Pre-Test to 20-25 students. You can choose to test more, the pre-test is aligned to standards and the data will reflect gap areas and should be insightful data. We will give you the results of both pre/post surveys & pre/post tests.If you have more than one grade level, you can choose which grade you survey/assess.) |
Student Pre-Survey |
Due by 2/28 |
K-3 Student Pre-Test K-3 Student Post-Test |
Due by 2/28 Due by 5/6 |
4-5 Student Pre-Test 4-5 Student Post-Test |
Due by 2/28 Due by 5/6 |
6-8 Student Pre-Test 6-8 Student Post-Test |
Due by 2/28 Due by 5/6 |
9-12 Student Pre-Test 9-12 Student Post-Test |
Due by 2/28 Due by 5/6 |
Twitter Reflections (min. 12 tweets = $50) |
Jun 30, 2022 |
Teacher Reflections 25=$150, 40=$200, 55= $300 |
May 30, 2022 |
Administrator Reflections 25=$150, 40=$200, 55= $300 |
May 30, 2022 |
Renaissance Mentor/Leadership (both completing Needs Assessment $150) |
Jun 15, 2022 |
Arts Immersion/Experience Reflection Completed reflection $100 |
Jun 15, 2022 |
Student Engagement: Arts Education in Action- Tell us about your museum. Reflection/pics $100 |
Jun 15, 2022 |
If you have any questions about submissions or what is deemed acceptable
submissions please feel free to contact wendy.king@kedc.org